• What is Critical Illness Insurance?

    What is Critical Illness Insurance?

    With health insurance costing more and delivering less these days most people today are experiencing a growing financial burden that they’re ultimately responsible for. As a result, the demand for supplemental health insurance products is growing and Critical Illness insurance is one of those products.

  • Short-Term Disability Insurance Helps Protect Your Paycheck and Lifestyle

    Short-Term Disability Insurance Helps Protect Your Paycheck and Lifestyle

    If you have a job, it is very likely that you will need short term disability insurance. The possibility of a disabling illness or injury may seem remote, but statistics say otherwise. You actually have a three in 10 chance of suffering a disability* that will keep you out of work for 90 days or longer at some point during your working career. And, 90% of disabilities are caused by illnesses not accidents.

  • Long-Term Disability Insurance Works for You

    Long-Term Disability Insurance Works for You

    Most people don’t realize the high risk of becoming permanently or temporarily disabled at some point in their lives. If you were totally disabled and couldn’t work as a result of an illness or injury, do you have the resources today to cover your expenses for weeks, months, or even longer?

  • Group Disability Insurance

    Disability Income Insurance

    Disability Income insurance protects you in the case of loss of income. If you lose your ability to work, either from temporary or permanent disability, a disability claim can be made.