• The Role of Workers’ Comp Insurance

    The Role of Workers’ Comp Insurance

    Workers’ compensation is must-have insurance for companies with employees in order to provide benefits to employees who are injured or become ill on the job.

  • Choosing a Health Insurance for Your Business

    Choosing a Health Insurance for Your Business

    As a business owner, it is in your best interest to offer your employees a comprehensive benefits package, but how do you know what works and what doesn’t? Health insurance is a good place to start but there are so many options to choose from.

  • NY State Of Health Small Business Marketplace (SHOP)


    The Small Business Marketplace (SHOP) helps employers offer high quality, affordable health insurance coverage to employees directly from NY State of Health certified Insurers. The Small Business Marketplace (SHOP) is the only place where employers can take advantage of the Small Business Health Care Tax Credit, if eligible.

  • Understanding the Affordable Care Act (Obama Care)

    Understanding the Affordable Care Act, aka Obama Care

    There is much confusion around the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and the Health Insurance Marketplace.

    This is sometimes referred to as “Obama Care”.

    Here is some information to help you understand it a bit better.

    The ACA is a law that guarantees everyone with minimum essential health care coverage. You can’t be denied ACA health insurance coverage because of a pre-existing health condition and you can’t be charged more for your plan because of it.